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Our first Blog Post!

Hello everyone!

Our first blog post how exciting! First of all welcome, we created this blog to have a personal experience with our customers. We want to share every juicy detail with you all, from first detox experiences to everything juice and health related. With that being said, I think it is appropriate to share our story in our first post.

We began this juicing journey about a year ago... My husband Felipe was watching a documentary called "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead." It funny to start off with this sentence, I know many of us have have watched an inspirational documentary that makes us change our ways for about 3 days and soon we are back to our ways. Well I am glad it didn't go that way, that inspiration turned to research. We came across testimonials of many beating cancer with juicing. My husband also learned about coldpressed juicing. His interest just grew and soon he was looking at juicers.

At that time we had just had a baby girl our second child and I wasn't too into the hype, my mommy brain was too busy trying to catch up on sleep. Plus! a good cold pressed juicing machine is not cheap, but I saw that my husband was not going to back down. I approved not really knowing what would happend next.

Soon my husbands learning became applied and he decided to share it with our community LAREDO, TX. We love Laredo and we wanted to bring it something healthy, plus coldpressed is not something we had really seen around our community.

We began at home, my husband created his own juice recipes and began a FB page. We were happy to see we had some people wanting to learn about what we had to offer and our juice cleanses. We got to work! Our home was soon filled with the sweet smelling aroma of juice and everyone in our house was working even the little ones would help with small tasks.

We loved working from home but the demand quickly outgrew our kitchen. We met some really nice people and their kitchen soon became ours as well. We decided to work together with Mels Kitchen and bring Laredo healthy alternatives.

The beauty of health and juicing is that there is soooo much to learn. We cant wait to continue growing and expanding Jujuice for our community.

Juicing has helped us learn more about health and we hope that it becomes part of your life and health journey as well.

As to how we got the name Jujuice well that will probably be another blog post you will need to come back for...



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